Dual Degree Programs

You may decide that your career goals lead you to build expertise in more than one area. The Fisher College of Business MBA program offers dual degrees in association with Ohio State University's other graduate schools, some of which are among the nation's most reputable programs.

Because some courses can be counted toward both degrees, you can complete the two degrees in less time than it would take to earn them individually. Applicants to a dual-degree program must be admitted separately both to Fisher and to the other school of choice. Applicants must indicate their interest in a particular dual-degree program when applying to Fisher. We encourage you to watch the dual degree webinar to learn more about the program structure and much more. After watching the webinar you will be emailed the curriculum sheets for dual degree MBA students.

Watch the Dual Degree Webinar


Dual degree students are excellent candidates to receive a GMAT/GRE waiver because Fisher's Full-Time MBA program can consider your LSAT or MCAT scores instead of GMAT or GRE scores. Our waiver review process is a holistic one, designed to identify and attract students whose talent, dedication and diverse perspectives will further enhance the Fisher community. Other qualities that may distinguish you as a candidate for a test waiver include work experience, professional certifications, undergraduate GPA, awards, military experience, LSAT/MCAT scores, analytical expertise or quantitative ability. Questions? Email mba@fisher.osu.edu.

The waiver request is submitted through our online application. Questions? Email mba@fisher.osu.edu.

Learn more about requesting a waiver

Master of Environment and Natural Resources / MBA

The Master of Environment and Natural Resources is a well-recognized program among federal and state agencies as well as conversation agencies that are major employers of natural resources professionals. The addition of the MBA degree provides a complementary element to prepare students for careers in business organizations for which environmental issues are special concerns.

Master of Public Administration / MBA

The dual Masters of Business Administration and Master of Public Administration Program between Fisher College of Business and the John Glenn College of Public Affairs prepares you for a career in management and finance within non-profit and public sector organizations.

Juris Doctor / MBA

Complementing your knowledge from your MBA studies with a JD degree - earned simultaneously - promises to be a potent cocktail for success. Whether you choose to practice law for the business community or want to pursue a career as a business person with legal training, you will profit from a greater understanding of both disciplines.

Doctor of Medicine / MBA

Increasingly, the system requires physicians with advanced skills in business, finance, organization management and even marketing. The MD/MBA degree also proves enormously useful to doctors in private-practice settings, which often demand superior managerial skills.

Master in Health Administration / MBA

The demand is increasing for health professionals who can effectively manage limited resources in a rapidly changing health care environment. Earning a Master's in Health Administration (M.H.A.) parallel with an MBA allows professionals interested in health care administration to get a solid education in business, making them experts in their fields.

PharmD / MBA

Teaming up a pharmacy degree with an MBA will allow you to not only save time by doubling up but also to be an attractive candidate for a leadership role in the pharmaceutical industry, community pharmacy practice, health care institution such as hospitals, health maintenance organizations, or academia.